This is a birthday present for my friend. After he assembled it, he sent me the photos, and he was very satisfied. He said it got detailed information about the AK47, the instructions were clear and no parts were missing. The seller also followed up on the news to make sure the buyer had no problems with the product.
For this model, the assembly process is very pleasant, the parts including the rubber bands are simple, and the assembly process is generally consistent. Customer service for this model has been very satisfactory, I received the package in the mail within a week of purchase, and I am sure this brand will buy from them again.
Love the detail that went into this set and the engineering that went into the design. Its mechanisms are very impressive, and I'm very happy with how everything looks. This is a perfect gift set for people who provide hours of fun adventure with those exquisite parts.
Our son loves to get this for Christmas! He assembled it in one day, loved playing with it, and he was happy to be able to display it in his room.
I got this for Christmas! W put it together in one day, loved playing with it, and was happy to show it in his room.
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